

Page history last edited by Walter Giesbrecht 5 months, 1 week ago




Mark Hamm Memorial 3x3 Tournament Schedule - Please bring a light and a dark shirt.






14U Boys Draw for Mark Hamm Memorial 3x3 2024.pdf


19+ Mens Round Robin Schedule 2024.pdf


19+ Womens Draw for Mark Hamm Memorial 3x3 Final.pdf





















































Winkler Basketball Club Presents the 3rd Annual Mark Hamm Memorial 3x3 Basketball Tournament.

In memory of Coach Mark Hamm, Winkler Basketball Club with be hosting a 3 on 3 basketball tournament at Winkler’s Pine Ridge Basketball Courts on Saturday, August 10th (Harvest Festival Weekend).

Cost: $75 per team (e-transfer to winklerbasketballclub@gmail.com)

Rules: FIBA 3X3 Rules - 15 minute games (running time).

To register: Email winklerbasketballclub@gmail.com with the names of your team members, your team’s name, and your age category.

Each team will receive at least 3 games. Officials will be in place for semifinal and championship games. Email winklerbasketballclub@gmail.com if you have any questions. 













































Each Team/Player should have light and dark shirts for the tournament. Thanks!


Please arrive a early for your games in order to sign your waiver forms. Thanks!



Be careful not to get caught in the Parade Route. Parade begins at 10am










3x3 Waiver Form.docx


Rules and Regulations - Full Document.pdf


Rules and Regulations Quick Reference.pdf




Fiba 3X3 Rules Video







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